Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Story of Joanna (1975)

Gerald Damiano passed away recently, so it's only appropriate I take a look at one of his less-famous films. Story of Joanna features Jamie Gillis and Terri Hall as two people who play the Master/slave relationship to its fullest. Originally, Damiano wanted to film a new version of Story of O, but couldn't afford the rights. So this is his take on the whole mystique. Damiano even has a camaeo role sitting at a bar at the beginning.
Too bad the budget just never afforded him the ability to achieve his goal. Although the film was lensed in a beautiful victorian mansion, the subpar cinematography just isn't up to the task. Everytime the camera turns to a source of light it becomes shrouded in a glowing cloud. Terri Hall, who plays Joanna, just didn't have the acting chops at the time. I've notice this in other Male Domination films such as The Pet; my guess is the director is so smitten by the pretty starlet he's blinded to her lack of acting ability. Note to future arteurs: a tight little ass will not overcome a girl who can't speak her lines.
The story: Jamie Gillis brings Terri Hall home one night and treats her to the high life. At the end of his wining and dining, he tells her she must love him with no prospect for love in return. From then on it's a series of sex scenes which become increasingly humilating for her. What saves this movies from being another XXX house stroker is the conclusion, which came as a total suprise.
Do check this one out if you can find it.

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