When I started this blog I had some notion of daily posts. Then I got busy and that went out the door.
But every now and then I do get out and explore the greater world of kinkdom. Such as today, where I ended up at Cupid's Arcade, just due west of Kutztown, PA.
You might think a place called Cupid's would, at very least, be cute. Guess again, Porky. This place is a scumatorium of the most refined sort. In my travels, I haven't witnessed such a hole-in-the-wall since visiting the worst places in the Midwest, twenty years ago. Holy Mother Of Harlots, this place has to be experienced.
To start off with, Cupid's is located in a rural area. It is near Allentown and Kutztown University. I would gather it's one of the few places rural kinksters can visit to pick up giant silicone dongs. Probably because it is so remote from anything, the locals don't mind it being there. The establishment did have that long-term look. Here's a clue for finding it: it's located right next to a big red barn and I am not making this up.
What it resembles on the outside is a two story cinder block building. In fact, it is a two story cinder block building which just happens to sell porn. No windows I could see and, although the main entrance was to the side, the parking was mostly in the back, safely away from the traffic on the main road next to it. There appeared to be a small residence further to the back. It looked to have been remodeled at some point in the past with mobile homes. But it didn't appear to be in use from what I could tell. My suspicion is the rear home/trailer park once upon a time had other uses connected with the bookstore.
Once inside I was confronted with the famous peg-board and purple shelving of porn stores of the past. Most of the adult toy supplies were the generic "Doc Johnson" type. A central island was manned by a nice clerk, but it also held a TV tuned to the SciFi channel. The bookshelves no longer contained books but DVD's. Cupid's seems to have been around a long time and I bet once they even sold books there.
Ah, but to the action: one row of video arcades in a dark corridor on the bottom floor. There were some people watching the videos, but most, in spite of a sign warning against loitering, were just hanging out in between the booths. Some of the patrons were even chatting to each other, something I don't think I've ever seen in an ABS.
But the real destination of your intrepid explorer was the movie rooms. This I had heard about over the years and was anxious to see what they resembled. $12.00 purchased my admission to this area.
First was the downstairs "movie room": one dark room with many benches facing a dim TV screen showing straight porn. There was only one movie-goer there and he looked bored. Up stairs took me to another movie room with identical benches facing a TV screen, this time showing gay porn. Oh, I get it. Two movie rooms, one for the straights, another for the gays.
Not much action there either, but I was there around noon and it was a weekday. There did seem to be some dark alcoves which were probably put to use whenever possible and rolls of paper towels on the wall.
The effect was a cross between a church and a rest stop.
It didn't seem too dirty and no one hassled me. Neither movie room was my idea of an erotic encounter space, but I suppose you take what you can get for $12.00.
All-in-all, Cupid's is a throw-back to the days of the erotic book store bunkers which used to ring major cities with blue laws. The sort of place where you would read about a city councilman arrested for boffing some minister in public. It doesn't appear to have ever been a legitimate theatre, which is usually the case for porn stores in near-by Philly. I'm sure it can get pretty intense in those movie rooms on Saturday night, but I don't think it would be the place to take a date.
Sounds classy ;)
Cupids is ok
I've sucked a lot of cock there and taken a nice big cock in the ass. I can't wait for the chance to visit on a busy night.
I LUV big Dick. :)
wed. nights its a swing/swap freeforall after 11pm very attracive 2-35 men and woman concerned with cock and pussy.very free and cool atitude, no older fat stalker types. he was asked to leave rateher quickly.....checl it out.
So does this happen every weds night?
Also check out hobbeze in Lebanon pa
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