Saturday, November 29, 2008

CB3000 Mishap

From my old live journal:

"OK, in light of last night's bad experience I am going to be retiring the CB3000 for now. Let me tell you this tale of horror:

I was locked in yesterday morning after taking the cage off for cleaning. For most of the day I didn't have a problem; it was more of an inconvenience than anything else. The problem started later. I'd urinated with it on several times and made the important discovery that you really need to be sitting down on the toiler for this action. So I went ahead and wore it to work, mindful that Goddess had the only key to it and she would be getting home before me.

About 8 PM (I work nights for several hours on a computer), I decided to go to the toilet. I sat down and started to urinate when I felt a sharp pain. I looked down to see blood in the CB3000! My cock was in severe pain, although the bleeding quickly ceased. Because I'd made the error of not having a back-up emergency key, I was unable to get the thing off. After assuring myself that I would not need to be take to a doctor, I cleaned the CB3000 the best I could and returned to work.

Upon arriving at home around 11 PM, I told Goddess I needed the CB3000 key immediately and went upstairs to unlock myself. The blood had dried on the inside of the device, but I was able to clean it quickly in the sink. Further urination produced a brief discoloration with some pain. I checked the head of my cock and it appears it was shoved into a bad position against the wall of the CB3000 when I'd started to urinate earlier. I think the sudden flow tore the opening slightly, causing the intense pain.

There has been no obvious blood in my urine for the rest of the day. No burning while urinating, but some discomfort while thinking about the injury. Thank my lucky stars no further injury has been sustained.

So, until I can figure out what happened, the CB3000 goes back into the box.

Anyone have similar problems using this thing?"


Anonymous said...

Eep! I've never heard of that happening to anyone. Doesn't sound like much fun.

I've always gotten around the spare key problem by keeping a medium-sized pair of bolt-cutters in my car. If I need to, I can cut the lock off.

Anonymous said...


I wouldn't give it up entirely after just one experience. Or maybe I would, depending on how much it hurt ;)

If you do want to try it again someday, perhaps make sure you're home all day, with your Mistress?