I live in a small town outside Philadelphia. It's quiet, we even got rid of the few bars some years ago. No industry to speak of and the boundaries are pretty static. There's been some attempts to revitalize things, but everyone pretty much gets along. We like it like that.
It's not all apple pie. I have a few friends in "The Scene" who live some streets away, but they interact with their select playmates and I'm not offended when I don't get invited. I would guess more than a few houses have rooms dedicated to pleasure among adults.
And now we have a lingerie shop in town.
I stopped in the other night because I noticed a "Grand Opening" sign over a store front which had been vacant (most are). It's run by a dancer at some of the strip/gentleman's clubs in the area and she seems to be catering her garments to other dancers. In the back room there's even a brass pole to practice your spins. I looked at most of her stock, but I will say it didn't impress me. It looks like she has very few vendors, but this isn't unusual in a new business.
I wish her all the best. She seems like a sincere woman with some drive. I just hope it doesn't bring out the blue noses who frequent the churches hereabout.
And she did have enough intelligence not to put the store's sign out on the street. I can't seem to remember what the store name was, but it did have "Erotic" in it. I'm sure that would've been the topic of much discussion at the local Burger King.
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