As the culture war starts to go hot again, it appears the land of smogberries and Hollywood will be on the front line. I usually stay away from politics on this blog, because doing so will offend someone and I haven't offended enough people. Yet.
So, fans, what's my take on Prop. 8? For or against? Against. And also against the whole monosexual mindset that is rallying the troops to stop it. To put matters bluntly: I will sign on to the gay marriage drive when the gay marriage people sign on to poly relationships. Any combination of adults over the age of 18 up to twelve in number.
And why no more than twelve? Because that's where it gets absurdly complicated. Although I can see some special cases where more than twelve would be justifiable.
I think making polyfidelidity state-sanctioned would also take the wind out of the Mormon church's sails. Let's face it, the real reason the MoMo's are against Bruce and David is having to give up polygamy. Let them have all those wives once again, they'll go back to being happy bicyclists. Start burning down their churches and you are going to see a range war of an epic scale.
So, yes I'm all in favor of state recognition of Ellen and Stephanie if you are for the same right given to Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice.
And to those of you who whine "But this is about two people!", I have this to say:
And now, back to our regularly schduled kink.
1 comment:
Amen. I've met allot of gays who are as offended at our lifestyle as many heterosexuals are. They fight for equal rights, as long as those rights are equal for them. The issue has to be that it's okay for everyone to live in relationships they way they want, out in the open and without fear of discrimination by others.
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