Every time I think I've heard the ultimate in fetishes and kink, I discover that I am no way even close. So here we have a documentary about men who fantasize over giant women. Not only do they dream about their own 50 ft bride, they also make movies where women smash small villages specially constructed just for the event. Some of these men also travel long distances just to meet their fantasy Amazon.
A few of them even get to marry. Although, I can't imagine what it must be line to live with some women so tall she towers over you. It must make bedroom shopping interesting to say the least.
One of the recurring themes in this documentary, in fact, are men who have married the giantess of their dreams. It even opens with a man in a Scandinavian country walking down the street with his super-tall wife. His comment:"Everybody stares at me like they want to say 'you lucky bastard'". There's also a German guy who married a Ukrainian lady basketball player. She seems hopelessly in love with him. I can't but hope that everything works out for them.
I can relate to some extent. The other day I found myself face-to-face with a 6 foot 6 woman at a local store where she was behind the counter. The whole incident was errie because we were the only two people in the store. I kept wondering if I'd just stepped into one of the videos these amazonphiles produce. But she didn't pick me off the ground and haul me into the back room to satisfy her lustful desires.
Not that it would have been a bad thing.
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