My favorite form of erotica is girl/girl. Called "Lesbian", "Girl-On-Girl", and various other terms I will not mention, it has always been the ideal in my mind. I refer to it as G/G because most of the time the women involved are bisexual, not lesbian.
I think my first encounter with it was discovering a Penthouse magazine in the late 70's with featured two models doing each other. I'm in my fifties, but I can remember finding that magazine as if it was yesterday. Given the preponderance of G/G scenarios in Penthouse pictorials over the years, I don't think I'm the only one with this desire.
Naturally, the best way to realize your fetish is to find some one who shares it. In the case of G/G erotica, it can be as easily as finding a bisexual woman to marry. I say "easy" as a joke because real life is never easy. From the men I do know who married bi-women, it can open up all sorts of other challenges. See the 1999 movie The Sex Monster for what can go wrong.
So what does the man who gets off watching G/G action do if he's not able to meet his fetish half way? Well, you could go and get a job at a lesbian bar, but I doubt they'd hire you. Forget about hanging around your local chapter of Club Clit; the women who work the door are skilled at dealing with the voyeurs who try to get in. If you have the money you might even hire some strippers for a private show. But it would get pretty expensive and, after all, they're only in it for the money. What other options might you find?
The Internet. Goddess bless it. Where, for a small cost, you can see your innermost G/G fantasies on the computer screen. But what website do you go to? Where can you get the most visual for your time? Which one will show you bliss and not transmit a virus to your computer? Thank your lucky stars Citizen Kinkster has arrived to help! Here are some of my recommendations:
- The Encylopedia of Lesbian Movie Scenes. There is a divine force watching out for us in this universe and his name is Niclas. He's assembled the finest collection of G/G encounters from film and TV across the planet. He keeps out the porn trash and for that I am grateful. I don't get the fascination with Viv Thomas, but she's just not my style.
- Lesbian Obsession. David from Sweden has been posting pictures and downloads from Rapidshare for several years now. A lot of it seems focused on younger women, but he does hit a home run every now and then with some current film clips.
- What The Boys Want. I hesitate to list this website as it is a pay-per-view one. However, it has some of the best amateur videos I have ever witnessed.
- YuVuTu. Selling itself as "real porn by real amateurs", this is the best of the lot. The front page has the latest submissions and the editiors try to keep the spammers to a minimum. Not a lot of G/G material, but what they do have is first rate.
- YouPorn. You have dig around a bit on this one, but hidden gems are there to be found.
- Megaerotic. See above. A little bit better assortment, but they only allow you six free views a day.
- The women should look realistic. I don't mean they have to look like your great aunt Ethel in the shower, but their breasts should at least flatten when they lay down. I've had enough of surgically-enhanced, twenty-year-old fools.
- If there is a man in the room with the camera he should make his presence as invisible as possible. No getting in front of the camera to ruin our observation of what the women are doing, no stupid hick commentaries- we can see it for our selves! And stay out of the action unless you're trying to make a "threesome" video.
- Carefully lit sets and professional make-up fool no one. It's an "amateur"? Then why the hell does Stacy's lipstick never smear?
- No gestures to the back row. We don't need to see girl A's tongue hanging out all the time at girl B.
(The picture is from the Canadian TV series Strangers)
Another good website is xtube.com.
Real lesbian sex an very hot. Make a try. And best of all: it is free
There are treasures to be found on Xtube.com as well. But, as with all these "amateur" sites, you have to be willing to dig awhile.
Thanks for mentioning my blog (Lesbian Obsession), I am honoured! :)
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