Most of us in the "scene" are aware of professional Dominatrixes. As a matter of fact I would speculate that more than just a few of us even pay to use their services. Well, maybe just a few. Definitely not me or you and you, or you, or him, or even that guy standing over at the bar leashed to the girl young enough to be his granddaughter... In a more perfect world, no man would face discrimination and shame because it was known he was his wife/girlfriend's love-slave. In the meantime it's kept behind closed doors and that is where the ProDommes flourish.
So now we have the DVD version of Nick Broomfield's documentary film about the day-to-day existence of a bondage parlor. In true documentary style, Broomfield troops into New York City's own Pandora's Box and begins to film away. He was given access to film inside the various fantasy rooms and dungeons. Also included are interviews with the professional Dommes who work there.
Broomfield makes no attempt to hide his presence in this film. All the questions are asked off-camera so that the interviewees always face the viewer as they talk. You easily see him and his film crew working their way around the dungeon sets many times. He doesn't try to look all that photogenic, wearing jeans and a T-shirt most of the time.
Part of the film consists of his interviews with the Dommes who work at Pandora's Box. None of them appear to be older than 35 with the exception of Mistress Raven, who runs the place. All of them seem to enjoy their work. One even mentions she was married for awhile. It's hilarious to hear one young mistress talk about how she grew-up attending a private religious school (guess it didn't take).
The clients also make it into the show. Most won't let their faces be shown for obvious reasons, so you are forced to listen to interviews of men wearing big leather masks. Broomfield informs us at one point that most of the clients are wealthy businessmen. However we do get to meet one female client.
The scenes. You've been waiting for this part... I know. There are several sessions at Pandora's shown in the film and they range from the comical to the scary. The best involves a young lady who describes herself as a "professional submissive". Broomfield is able to film her encounter with two Dommes from start to finish. First he interviews her, even talks to her during the torture, and finally asks her how she feels later ("drained"). He also notes that women who pay to use their services are so rare that the Dommes vie for the chance to do them.
At one point, Fetishes almost turns into some kind of Errol Morris documentary. We see a time lapse security camera's hall view and get to watch the daily activity of Pandora's. In speeded-up time an endless parade of men leashed to latex goddesses shoot through the corridor.
Then there's the bizarre moment of truth where a Domme flips out on camera. It occurs right after she does a "wrestling" scene with a client who had expected he would be allowed to win. When she starts to win, the guy storms out of the room. The Domme then proceeds to walk back and forth in the room shouting about how she doesn't have to "take this shit". And people wonder why the Pro's are not so friendly....
As far as the specifics go Fetishes is o.k. There aren't that many chapter stops, so that makes it a little difficult to review it. There's no commentary on the disc, but Broomfield supples that as part of the regular soundtrack.
Additional bits includes a filmography and production notes.
Fetishes may not be big on the reasons men pay to be beaten by powerful women, but it at least gives you a look into their world.
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