Last Saturday night Mrs. CK and I went to our local Domme party. This is a very select group which consists only of committed Domme couples in this area. Therefore, although the group's Yahoo account gets requests all the time, the moderator, Goddess M., is constantly turning down single men and people out of the geographic location. So what has resulted is a small, but very inamate group. Everyone knows each other and knows the rules. And when we go to these gatherings, Mrs. CK becomes Goddess CK.
There were about five Goddesses and five boys this year at the annual Halloween party. Down from last year's record of seven, but one Goddess had to deal with an illness and another had left the group. The dinner was good and the boys did our best to wait on each and every
Goddess. I think my knees are going to be sore from all the time I spent on them.
The other highlight of the evening was the confession. Here, each of the boys has to kneel and confess his inadeqacies to the assembled Goddesses and recieve punishment. Penance can be as little as issuing a report to them, or taking six of the best. I've seen some of the boys take their whacks from the Goddesses. They may not be of large stature, but those women have a mean back hand. At least this year I didn't piss them all off like I did last.
It was a fun evening and we look forward to next month's party.
WTF? No pictures!? I want pics!
Glad you were a "good boy" this year! It makes it much easier. ;)
Pictures would have me banned to the outer void.
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