I've always been more of a casual observer when it comes to swingers. Having grown up in the 70's when swinging was something of a joke, I'd never given it much thought, other than watching some interviews on TV or reading the occasional lifestyle journal. But over the years, I've made a number of friends in the swing community. Through them, I've had a chance to learn more about what motivates the interest and why people get involved. And I have been to a few swinger events.
Two years ago, Mrs.CK and myself went to a large "Meet And Greet" organized by a local swinger group. I wish I could remember the name of the group putting on the MNG, but old age must be catching up to me. Anyway, it was in a huge hotel in an upscale Philadelphia suburban neighborhood. We had to register on-line in advance. The event was huge.
First of all, security at this MNG was impressive. You couln't get into it unless your name was cross-checked on a computer list. Once they found your name, you were given a wrist band which was needed to get and out of the ballroom where it was being held. No exceptions. And there were plenty of big, scary looking guys checking for those wrist bands as you went in and out. And no single men were allowed.
My original purpose was to looking into vending. At the time, I was working on the side for an adult themed store which did a lot of vending at fetish/bdsm events. It was my theory we should be looking into the swinger market since they seemed to have a lot more disposable income than the club kids who populate the urban fetish market. Thus, it was important I meet the organizers of the MNG, present my credentials, and leave some flyers for the store.
It took me a while, but I was able to locate the organizers. Upon making my pitch, I was told no one was allowed to do any vending whatsoever at these events. Why? They didn't want any of the locals to know what was going on at the hotel.
I looked around at all the women in Victoria Secret clothing and said, "Uh, sure thanks."
If the hotel management was clueless as to what was happening, they must've all been from Outer Mongolia.
From what I deduced later, it was an upscale crowd. Mosty people in the 35 and up age range, but I did meet a number of couples in their twenties. The highlight of the evening seemed to be a DJ and the dance floor. Not being much of a dancer myself, I soon left with Ms. CK.
Mrs. CK observed most of the men were dressed casual, but their women were wearing "hootchie mama" clothing. Her conclusion:"They're using their women for bait!"
I would welcome any comments from active swingers on their lifestyle.
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